lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2012

Koko the Ferret

I had a ferret named Koko Iggie (he´s still alive but now lives with my Dad, brother ans sister), he was a little crazier than I thought, very easy to live with, but with very strong personalities, totally addicted to cookies and the noise that comes from plastic bags (for some reason I never understood). When he was living with me, he used to steal anything from me: furry things, my brush, plastic bags, clothes and even remote controls! things would often dissapear for no reason at my house but I wasn´t sure of the right place to look for them, the madness started one day that I was desperate to find the remote control for my TV. I thought I was loosing my mind and maybe I had put the stuff somewhere else and I didn´t remember.

And then I heard some noise coming from under my bed, he had made a big hole at the bottom part of my bed, big enough to fit all the stuff he had stolen from me, everything was there in a sort of "apartment" he created, I even found a barbie doll from who knows where. I found it sooo funny to think he not only kept my stuff (the remote control from my tv and dvd), but also that he had built his own apartment.

I didn´t have the heart to take all my stuff from "his condo", so I just took what was absolutely neccesary. It was so funny and cute to see how he decorated his place, all the things creating a circle with him in the middle, ready to play with one thing and then grab another one.

He´s now living with my dad and sibiling because they have more time for him. A few months after he stayed at his new home, my brother called me to say: Koko has created a type of "shelter" in my drawer and stole a lot of things from Monica(my sister) and Dad.

But again, nobody had the heart to take out the things, so he´s still living with them, very spoiled and of course, with a new self-decorated "apartment"  :)

International day of Animals Rights

Today is celebrated the International Day of Animals Rights.

Most of us have heard about thousands of sad stories, have seen millions of pictures of beautiful animals or animals that have been hurt or abandoned, but how many of us have taken a moment to help them during a bad situation? Donating, Adopting, or simply helping a random dog from the street.

For those who haven´t done it yet, I´m sure you´ll get there, there will be a moment when an animal looks at you and you´ll feel that your soul has been touched for the first time, there no rush.

And for those who have, you don´t really need me to tell you what´s like to help them.
An animal lover has a heart that is over twice the size of a normal heart, and are almost addicted to that warm sweet feeling that comes after knowing that no matter how small your action was, you changed an animal´s life forever and for good.

Today is an amazing occasion to help with what you can, and trust me, for the animals shelters around the Globe or animals in danger, there is no such thing as very little money or too small bag of food, they will apreciate the help.
If you have a furry friend at home, take this opportunity to hug them, to take them for a walk or simply to give a couple of hours of your time as a thank you for those millions of hours he or she has given you.

Thank you for the time to stop and read this, and remember to stop the over population of stray animals: Spay and Neuter your pet.

Paws Up!!

jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2012

How does the heart works?

Have you ever wondered how does the heart works? 

How many times somebody has broken your heart, letting you feel like love is not a good thing worth all the pain that has caused.

I´m not an expert but this I can tell...
There´s something that pull us in again, is awful I know, is dangerous and sometimes is even worthless.
The time spent, the words spoken, all that we try to get nothing at the end but we always go back to that feeling.

Love is not something perfect but that doesn´t make it less real, love may not last forever but what it lasts is worth the risk.

Because when your body gets tired, when your mind lets go...your heart will be the only thing still working.   


viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012



A quien se fué

Existe una diferencia enorme entre el día en que pierdes a alguien y el día en que te das cuenta que lo perdiste. La mente humana está capacitada para tolerar cualquier dolor y protegerse a sí misma pero a el corazón le toma un poco más de tiempo sanar.

Es en ese momento en que comprendes que ya no estará más, que se ha alejado para siempre y que ya no hay más tiempo para decirle ni expresarle nada. Que se terminó toda oportunidad de amar a ese ser, si lo abrazaste o lo besaste lo suficiente, te quedará el resto de tu vida para pensarlo pero no para enmendar los errores.

A menudo cuando nos enfrentamos a una pérdida nos culpamos, es ese sentimiento de frustración que cala tus huesos porque la vida arruinó los planes que tenías, porque te arrancó a quien querías y porque no te dió la oportunidad de despedirte como hubieras querido. Nadie obtiene jamás la despedida que quiere, simplemente porque nadie desea despedirse. 

Después viene el miedo a olvidarte de todo, a dejar que el tiempo borre el recuerdo que es lo único que queda de ese ser en este mundo.

Nada de lo que digan podrá jamás borrar lo compartido, lo vivido a su lado. La vida a veces se encarga de alejarte de quien mas amas no por hacerte daño, sino porque sabe que le amabas demasiado, que de haber seguido vivo no habría cabida para nadie más en tu corazón.

El destino es sabio, a veces simplemente es momento de aprender a amar a alguien más... 

Toma fuerza


Creo que iniciar un Blog no se encuentra entre las prioridades de la gente "normal", pero debería. Existe algo de mágico y divino en escribir que te relaja, que libera el ser que llevas escondido desde pequeño, desde siempre.

No escribas para nadie, escribe siempre para ti, sobre lo que sientes sobre lo que piensas y úsalo como instrumento para el crecimiento de tu propio espíritu.
ésta vida es demasiado breve como para no perseguir lo que nos hace bien, lo que nos hace felices. 

Nadie nace siendo sabio, nuestros conocimientos son el resultado de todas las experiencias tanto buenas como malas en la vida, cualquiera puede sufrir y recuperarse. Pero es de sabios utilizar el aprendizaje para ser un mejor ser humano, un ser humano feliz.

Pueden suceder dos cosas: puede que odien lo que escribes y en el peor de los casos no pasa nada, no perderás nada valioso, puede también que alguien encuentre luz en tus palabras y que aunque jamás llegues a saberlo, hayas mejorado la vida de alguien.

Como sea jamás dejes de escribir, hazlo sin esperar nada de nadie, hazlo sobre lo que amas, lo que odias y lo que has aprendido en esta vida. Pase lo que pase nunca dejes de escribir.
